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Science360 News Service - Breaking Science that Shapes Your World - Brought to you by NSF



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Studying Everyday Eye Movements Could Aid In Diagnosis Of Neurological Disorders


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Engineering Smart Wheelchairs



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Baby Pictures


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“Electric Pulses Stop Some Epileptic Seizures,” With NSF-funded Neuroscientist Gyorgy Buzsaki


Latest News

Researchers Pinpoint Hot Spots As Earthquake Trigger Points
Scientists have come a step closer to deciphering some of the basic mysteries and mechanisms behind earthquakes and how average-sized earthquakes may evolve into massive earthquakes.

Record-Breaking Stellar Explosion Helps Astronomers Understand Far-Off Galaxy
An international research team has made the most of a dying star’s fury to probe a distant galaxy some 9.5 billion light-years distant.

‘Nano Machine Shop’ Shapes Nanowires, Ultrathin Films
A new “nano machine shop” that shapes nanowires and ultrathin films could represent a future manufacturing method for tiny structures with potentially revolutionary properties


New in the Journals & Magazines

NEW SCIENTIST:Wealthy Families Obey Economics Rather Than Evolution

PHYSICS:Artificial Light In A Quantum Spin Ice

SCIENTIFIC AMERICAN:Using Fertilizer Wisely Could Help Feed 9 Billion People

SCIENCE NEWS:Stars’ Missing Elements Could Signal Lurking Small Planets

NATURE :Resistance To Backup Tuberculosis Drugs Increases